Feel empowered, not exploited.
Work with efficiency, not with anxiety.
Lead with confidence, not with fear.
An academic career can feel like a hamster wheel that is constantly spinning, faster and faster. Expectations for publishing and funding are soaring while support and training are disappearing or absent altogether. It’s simply unsustainable! I can help you step off the hamster wheel with practical tools—from straightforward guidance on a manuscript edit to a total overhaul of your work and management processes. Scroll down to read more about me and about the services I offer.
Why listen to me?
My name is Elizabeth Haswell. I know how to do academic work, and do it well. I was a tenure-track faculty member for 15 years in the Biology Department at Washington University in St. Louis. Along with colleagues, I published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in a wide range of journals. I secured funding from NSF, NIH, NASA, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and HHMI. In 2022, I was named a AAAS Fellow.
I also know how hard the job can be, and have been looking for solutions. My frustration with escalating demands on faculty time led me to write an essay in eLIFE promoting the idea of “The Sustainable Professor” in 2017. In 2023, I left my faculty position and moved to Oregon; you can read about that journey here. Now I have the mental space to help others who are in the position I was just a decade ago.
Writing Papers & Grants
Project Management
Coaching & Goal Setting
Drop me a line
For more information, to discuss pricing, or any conversation you’d like to have: